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A Legacy Of Triumph

The Larry O'Brien Trophy: A Symbol of NBA Excellence

A Legacy of Triumph

The Larry O'Brien Trophy is the coveted prize awarded to the NBA championship team. Its inception dates back to 1977, when it was renamed in honor of NBA commissioner Larry O'Brien.

Design and Specifications

The trophy stands at an impressive 24 inches tall and weighs a substantial 16 pounds. Crafted from sterling silver and vermeil, it features an intricate design depicting a basketball floating above a net. The base is adorned with engravings of the year and the winning team's name, adding to its historical significance.

Evolution and Significance

Over the years, the Larry O'Brien Trophy has undergone subtle modifications while retaining its iconic design. The most notable change occurred in 2016, when its height was increased to 25.5 inches to better align with the grandeur of the NBA Finals.

This trophy symbolizes the pinnacle of achievement in the National Basketball Association. It represents countless hours of hard work, dedication, and teamwork. Its enduring legacy serves as a reminder of the greatness that can be accomplished through the pursuit of excellence.


The Larry O'Brien Trophy stands as a testament to the remarkable talent and achievements of NBA players. Its impressive size and weight convey the magnitude of the accomplishment it represents. As the symbol of basketball's ultimate prize, it leaves a lasting impression on fans, players, and the history of the sport.
